There are only two reasons people have kids. 1) They are under some serious delusions that the kids will someday help with the dishes and laundry. Note: They clearly have no idea pre-baby the magnitude of filth, dishes and laundry one little bitty child can produce. And/or 2) It’s fascinating to see what traits and qualities the child will inherit from their gene pool versus their spouse’s. I am, of course, kidding about these being the only two reasons people have kids. The only reason we’re having kids is because we want our own soccer team someday.
While it was not the reason for having kids, I do think it is fun to see how a child’s facial features and personality traits and quirks resemble one or the other parent.
For example, today I gave the boys watermelon. Everyone likes watermelon, right? And if they don’t they are un-American. Well, Cody doesn’t like it. When I gave it to Barrett as a baby he spit it out. I gave it to him again, thinking the world-belief I stated above about watermelon and Americanism. And he spit it out again! I finally realized that he
might not like it when he gagged on it. Oops. I wonder which of my children will inherit my hard-headedness. (Actually, I know) Well, I am still hoping he’ll come around on watermelon I guess, because I had Cody pick up one on his way home so we could slurp up some summer fun on the back porch. Barrett licked his slice hesitantly and nibbled a few morsels. I don’t think he’s sold…but I’m sure he’ll come around! His country is depending on him. Kyle went to town on his slice and then ate what remained of Barrett’s.
I had to shoot quickly to get a picture of Barrett eating watermelon
Kyle polishing off his own slice of watermelon
Kyle starting on Barrett's slice
Today in the car with the boys I suggested we sing some songs. Kyle sang, “Farmer and the bell, farmer and the bell, hide all the Cheerios, farmer and the bell.” Oh, how I love that version! Then, he sang Twinkle, Twinkle like this, “Twinkle, Twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Pop, pop, pop the world so high…” Hearing those back-to-back made me remember all the songs I used to sing wrong lyrics to. My cousins can probably remember more than I can (they used to have a ball listening to what I was singing and getting a good laugh).
Here’s a few of my wrong lyrics---see if you can guess the song. They’re all 80’s songs because I’m a child of the 80’s.
1. “Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you.”
2. “Carrying a laser in the darkness of the night…”
3. “Oh Sherry, Hose on! Hose on!” – c’mon didn’t you think that was what he was saying?