Sunday, February 16, 2014

Enjoying a warm weather weekend in February

We opened up the windows to let the fresh air in and we headed outside for some family time before Cody had to leave on a business trip.

There was a small hole in the screen.  It keeps growing (you should see it now). While the windows were open Barrett sat on the sill and looked out.  I love that gorgeous eye...his other eye is just as awesome too.

 Annabelle and Bailey are best buds...and they now weigh the same too.  I think Bailey's going to pass her up, though.

Coooooool rider,
A cool, cool, cool, cool rider. 
(M.Y. and J.G. that was for you)

Kyle discovered a box and a stick in the garage.  Next thing I knew he was in a "kayak in the middle of a shark-infested ocean."

 Below is a series of selfies taken while swinging on the giant platform swing...none of them are even close to being in focus or properly exposed but I love them.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tree Climbing

Once there was a tree...
and she loved a little boy.
And every day the boy would come
and he would gather her leaves
and make them into crowns
and play king of the forest.
He would climb her trunk
and swing from her branches
and eat apples.

 ~Shel Silverstein The Giving Tree

The boys were enjoying some warm weather by climbing the tree in our front yard...they have climbed it many times while waiting for daddy to get home from work, or while "helping" Cody and me work in the yard...

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