(Dictated to Mommy)
Dear Santa,
I know you're working hard making presents right now because I saw you for real. I love you, Santa. I have been very nice. Do you give presents to kids if they get scared? I used to be scared of you but now I am not. My name is Kyle Starr and it is spelled K-Y-L-E S-T-A-R-R and I live in T-E-X-A-S. I am a good speller. I am smarter than Daddy. I like you a lot. I have a baby sister and I am very nice to her. Her name is Annabelle. Please put me on your nice list because I am thankful for my toys, and my teachers, and my mommy and daddy, and my Lego Spaceship, and my brother.
I want a Millennium Falcon that is just for me, not to share. It's a good guy spaceship from Star Wars and Chuy's in it.
I also want big boy bike and a jet pack. Is there such a thing as a real jet pack, Santa?
And I want the kind of space ship that looks like this (drawing in the air with his hand in the shape of a triangle.)
That's all I want. I will be very thankful for these things.
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