Annabelle has learned to say e-i-e-i-o from the Old MacDonald song...Well kind of. She says, "Eeee-I-uh-oh" but we all know what she means. One night we were in the car and trying to get her to say it and after she did we all laughed because it was so cute! So she said it again and then immediately started laughing at herself afterward, so we all laughed some more. For a while she would laugh everytime she said it. Now she says e-i-uh-oh everytime she hears music. every. time. I don't know if she thinks every song could use a little e-i-e-i-o or if she's making a song request. Tonight, as I was rocking her at bedtime, I was singing the song I love to sing to my kids, "Where You Lead" by Carol King, a.k.a. the Gilmore Girls theme song. It sounded like this. "Where you lead (eee-i-uh-oh!), I will follow (eee-i-uh-oh!), Anywhere (eee-i-uh-oh!), that you tell me to (eee-i-uh-oh!). If you need (eee-i-uh-oh!), need me to be with you (eee-i-uh-oh!), I will follow where you lead (eee-i-uh-oh!)..." I kinda felt like my heartfelt message wasn't getting through with all the interruptions.
Oh well. It did come in handy when I was trying to get her to look up for these pictures I took in our backyard. I sat her down for her pictures and started singing her new favorite song. I kept getting louder and louder. I am not quite used to having neighbors this close after having lived in the country, so I'm sure they were all peeping out their windows at the singing lunatic with the camera. It'll give 'em something to talk about at the block party.
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