Happy 3rd birthday to my precious little girl! Three years ago on this day, a tiny, beautiful, happy miracle came into our lives and blessed and transformed us. In your short life so far, you have already taught our family so much about faith, and love, and gratitude. It's hard to explain how a growing child makes a mom feel. I think its because we love you SO MUCH the way you are RIGHT NOW, that we can't bear to let go of that. But at the same time, we are so excited to see what wonderful thing you will do next.
I got to hold onto your babyhood a little longer last night, your last night of being a two-year-old. Our upstairs air-conditioner stopped working and it was almost 90 degrees up there. The boys spent the night at Gigi's and you spent the night in our bed downstairs. I held onto you all night breathing in your baby-shampoo-scented hair, your perfect skin, and your little-ness. I needed that. When the sun came up I just watched you sleep and memorized your profile silhouetted against the window, knowing when you'd wake up you'd never be this age again.
Annabelle, just the thought of you puts a smile on my face and warmth in my heart...and, at the moment, a tear in my eye because you are growing up. You are so full of personality and joy and gratitude and...light. You just shine. I don't know how else to say it. You light up rooms, faces and hearts everywhere you go. And the incredible thing is that you don't even have to try, it just radiates from you naturally. When other little kids meet you for the first time, they go home talking about you and saying your name over and over. Perfect strangers come over and just want to meet you. They tell us how just watching you while they ate their meal at a nearby table brought them joy. You are so generous with your hugs and smiles and laughter. You never forget to say please ["peas"] or thank you ["dank do"] and you will often repeat it several times if it isn't met with an immediate "You're welcome." You adore your bothers and the feeling is definitely mutual. When they are at school, you ask many times a day if it's time to go get them from school yet. When it is time, they are greeted with your loooong sweet I-missed-you-hugs... they'll even hug you in front of their friends. You bring out the loving, tender side of those boys. You've got them using their sweet voice when they talk to you, playing Ring around the Rosie, pushing you gently on the swings, blowing bubbles for you, and holding your hand in the car.
You do so many little things that just brighten my days. You bring me your boo-boos to kiss, and when you squeeze my neck hugging me, I feel so loved! You are so funny and have perfect comedic timing. Recently, we were in the car when you started shouting excitedly, "Airpwane! Airpwane, Mommy, airpwane!" So I said, "Oh, do you see an airplane?" to which you replied, "nnnope." And then today at nap time, I was hearing a strange sound coming from upstairs. When I turned the corner to your room, I found you vacuuming with your toy Dirt Devil...wearing nothing but Minnie Mouse panties, 5 strands of Mardi Gras beads, and my flip flops. It's really hard to be stern about nap time when I'm laughing inside! When you aren't busting our gut by being your cute, silly self, you are laughing, asking to be tickled, smiling, dancing, running, or taking your third or fourth bath of the day. Right now, you like to play chase and when we finally catch you (because you are really fast and know how to use furniture to your advantage), you yell "Gachoo!" and crack up laughing. It's really fun to watch you pretend play. You are so good at taking care of the baby dolls in this house. They are bathed, and fed, sung to, and put to bed. You love "tucking in" just about anyone or anything. We all tiptoe around when you sweetly tell us, "Shhh, baby's suseep." You are going to be an excellent mommy someday. Always remember that God knows the desires of your heart--and in our weakness and imperfection, His strength is revealed.
Right now, you can count to 20 and backwards from 5 (thanks to Kyle). You can say your ABC's and you even know the sounds the letters make! You know your colors and you are great at stacking blocks and making castles with them. Your favorite foods are yogurt, (the right kind of) cheese, fruit, and ice cream. Seriously, if we get within 2 blocks of Yogurtville, you start screaming for ice cream. Right now, you love Minnie Mouse and you are also starting to get into Dora. You change clothes/underwear/pajamas at least 5 times a day and often try to wear your pajamas out in public. You have a "I do it" attitude and you can pretty much do whatever you set your mind to. You are very independent and capable. I love how whenever your see a picture of yourself or catch your reflection in the mirror, you say, "Awww, tute [cute]." I hope you always see the beauty in yourself.
You are beautiful, bright, outgoing, loving, giving, funny, and brave, and I completely adore you! You fill our lives with joy and laughter and gratitude. I cannot believe how lucky I am that God chose me to be your Mommy.
I love you more than words can express.
Here you are on the morning of your 3rd birthday.
And here's a few more pictures taken a few days ago...because it captures more of your room right now, your PJ changin' ways, sleeping position, etc.
Your very talented Gigi made your quilt, pillow shams, rug, and ball pillow. Mommy, Daddy, Barrett and Kyle painted huge polka dots on your wall (a la Minnie).
We let Barrett sleep in your room one night because he really wanted to. He read you a story and then you both went right to sleep.
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