Friday, May 8, 2009

There. That oughta do the trick.

Use #452 for Duct Tape: keeping a little turkey's diaper on during naptime.

You know those jobs you see people doing and you think to yourself, "They couldn't pay me enough money to get me to do that job!" This morning as I was wiping poop off the wall and carpet. . . again, I realized that what I was doing was very similar to one of those jobs and I was thinking, "They don't pay me enough to do this!" Then I remembered, I'm NOT getting paid a penny! So, after I scrubbed off and showered in hand sanitizer, I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast where I saw my Mother's Day card Barrett made for me at school. He drew a picture of himself and wrote some lovely things about me inside. He says my eyes are yellow like the sun and that I weigh 4 pounds. Man, I love that kid! This mom job is tough stuff, but you can't beat the pay!

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