Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Fun

We woke up this morning to a beautiful covering of fluffy white snow. The boys couldn't wait to go outside and decimate the pristine blanket, uh, I mean they couldn't wait to go play in it. Once we had them bundled up like the kid in A Christmas Story, they went outside. Aparently Kyle was hungry because he thought the snow was breakfast. Snow angels were made, but they would get up too fast for me to take the picture, I guess that white stuff is cold or something. Then, I made a snowman as they pelted me with snowballs. I don't see how anyone can work in such deplorable conditions. Kyle, still starving, ate the poor snowman's carrot nose. Luckily, I was able to do a nose transplant. Note to self: next time feed the poor children before sending them out in the cold. They did get a big mug of hot cocoa when they came in.

snow copy


Later, the boys got all their warm gear back on and anxiously waited for daddy's car to come up the driveway. They He built a bigger snowman and they had a great time throwing snow at each other.








Newman Family Blog said...

Your pictures are beautiful! Looks like they had a great time. Nora did too!

Anonymous said...

Wow--is this the first snow they've experienced?

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