Thursday, February 25, 2010


I didn't know it was possible, but I do believe I love Legos more now than I did when I was a kid. Cody's mom saved all of his Legos from when he was a kid and my mom actually did the same, so Barrett and Kyle have inherited about a million tiny little pieces to build to their heart's delight. They love 'em and so do I. They will play nicely with very little fighting for a really long time. It has been great for me because I haven't been sleeping well at night and those tiny blocks keep the boys entertained well enough for me to lay down on the sofa for a few minutes while they play. There are rules: They have to play at the coffee table and they have to pick up every single piece when they are finished. So far they have followed the rules (although I did step on a legoman toupee with my bare foot the other day...ouch!)
Here's a picture of the boys digging for just the right piece.



Anonymous said...

Yes--LEGOs rock! J is a major fan. They just opened a LEGO store in Oklahoma City. Definitely need to schedule a field trip there. We didn't inherit any LEGOs from Phyllis, but we have plenty o' GI Joe's...

Gigi said...

I've actually seen them with heads in the box and feet off the floor looking for just the right piece in the lego box.

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