Wednesday, March 17, 2010

the grandparents' reaction

Someday I will tell the story of this baby from beginning to end because it's really an interesting story. But today I am telling the part of the story when we told Cody's parents and my mom that we are expecting...and that its a girl!
Cody and I had just been to the doctor earlier that day and found out the girl news and our due date. We couldn't wait to share it with our parents so we arranged to have dinner with Cody's parents. I went out and bought two pairs of tiny pink booties and put them in two little boxes. Later, we had my mom meet me, telling her we'd have dinner at our favorite place and mentioning nothing of our plans to meet Cody's parents at a different place. When we got near Cody's office to pick him up, I faked a phonecall to him where I was pretending his parents had invited us at the last minute to have dinner with THEM, therefore changing our dinner location. At this point, we hijacked the car across town holding my mom a cluesless hostage. Shortly after we were seated, I handed each mom her bootie box. I attempted to take a little video of their reaction. Here's the video (35 seconds).

The period of time (which takes up a majority of the video) where the camera is pointed at a window is where my mom was hugging me. Looking back, I really should have had Cody shoot the video! Was that tears welling in Papa's eyes?


Emma said...

that's the sweetest thing! made MY eyes tear up!

Meredith said...

so sweet! tell your mom hi for me!! so excited for you!! i just about cried too watching it!

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