Wednesday, August 3, 2011

dipping my toe in the blog water again

Okay, so I am the one who's been missing. We have moved in and we are mostly settled. My new office is a complete wreck but the rest of the house is livable. We are getting back to a normal routine after being without a home for a couple weeks and then the late nights spent unpacking after the kids go to sleep. I actually sat down on Monday night and watched the Bachelorette Finale. I got Kyle registered for school, and I go next week to register Barrett. We have been to the neighborhood pool, but it is too hot to go to a playground. I think it got up to 111 degrees today! Every time we go in the car somewhere, the boys say, "we're already there?" Barrett says he's glad we live here now and Kyle is too but he says he misses the old house a little. There are things I sometimes miss about the old house, too, but I am very happy with the new house.
We took one last picture the day we moved out of the old house.
old house
Kyle has a teddy bear with him in the picture. He has never had an attachment before, but I think he needed a constant during this transition.
Cody took this funny picture of Kyle with our giant teddy and the same teddy bear as in the other picture shortly after we moved in. Kyle is actually sleeping in this picture!

Here's a couple more pictures taken in Farmersville shortly before we moved.
b truck
I took this the day of the inspection. We came back home a little too early so I went down the road to wait for them to leave. I looked over and saw the old truck bed and begged Barrett to humor me. This great photo op was right next door the whole time!

This is Kyle eating his ice cream cone at Charlie's.


Emma said...

So glad you're back!

Wood Family said...

I love the picture of him sitting on the old car!
Beth Wood

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