Saturday, March 24, 2012


We have entered a new phase in life...homework. I have been dreading figuring out how to begin to fit this into our lives, but we are getting the kinks worked out slowly but surely. Cody heard some advice that once homework begins, you should have time that you set aside everyday for doing it. On days that the child doesn't have homework, they still have to sit at the table/desk and do some kind of assignment or studying for 10-15 minutes (increase with age). This helps with the problem of saying they don't have homework when they really do because they know they are going to have to do something no matter what, so they might as well do their homework. Also, it just keeps them in a routine and forms good study habits. Barrett's teacher has them draw and write in their journal 3 times a week, but we have Barrett do it every school afternoon. At first, he complained but now he knows the drill and just gets it done. He has a hour after school to play, eat a snack, and/or watch tv before I expect him to get started on his homework. So far, so good! Annabelle sometimes climbs up for a kiss, and Kyle sometimes does "homework" with Barrett.

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