Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Talk of the Town

Farmersville recently got a new hamburger joint called Charlie’s and I’m so excited about it. It is a real restaurant (as opposed to an old gas station that has been converted into a restaurant). It has a hometown feel, atmosphere, and the food is great, and they serve Blue Bell, the best ice cream in the country.

Gigi and I decided we would take the boys to Charlie’s for lunch today because the boys were making us crazy and we hoped a little change of scenery would help. As we were getting seated, Barrett announced that he needed to potty. I suspect that he really just wanted to try out the new different bathroom and more specifically, the toilet flusher! I let him go, got him off and told him to pull up his pants while I went. (We’re working on getting him to pull up his own pants and underwear right now). As I was mid-stream, Barrett opened the door (which was a push-button lock that unlocks when you turn the lever - ugh!). I saw that he had his pants and underwear around his ankles and was running for the dining room! I jumped up and was still zipping my own pants when I rounded the corner myself! Yes, he made it entirely into the dining area showing the full monty—and don’t think anyone ordered a hot dog!

My apologies to the lady who went into the bathroom oh so quickly after our hurried exit. Quite obviously, I didn't have time to flush.

1 comment:

Aubs said...

That is so funny Jessica! I would have been embarrased if this happened in Emory...same type of town as you know. Barrett will have to grow up with these people. LOL!

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