Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

We, the men of your life (Kyle, Barrett, and your husband Cody), interupt this regularly scheduled blog for a special Happy Mother's Day edition of The Little Things.

Since today is Mother's Day, your day, we need to thank you for all the wonderful things you do for us and for the special mommy that you are. Since it's your day off we felt it was necessary to Shanghai your blog for the day and handle the laborious task of blogging.
Since the boys are dying to type I had better hand over the keyboard to them and let them have their say... I love you. Cody

We love you so much and appreciate everything you do. Since you love lists we thought it would be appropriate to give you a top ten list of reasons why you are the best mommy in the world.

Barrett and Kyle's Top Ten List of Why Mommy is the Greatest

10. You capture all the little moments of our life through words and your wonderful photos!
9. Your awesome dance moves that you show us when we dance in the kitchen
8. You teach us right from wrong and the coolest game ever - The Cleanup Game.
7. Your hugs and kisses make our boo-boos better (and we sure have A LOT of them!)
6. You're smart (you married daddy didn't you? ;) )
5. Two words - 'Fruit Mommy!'
4. For reading us bedtime stories (even if it is the same book you've read 1000 times)
3. For teaching us how to cook.. er.. or are you teaching us how to 'wear' food?
2. Your tickles make us bust a gut laughing!
1. Your unending love, patience, and care are what us growing boys need!

We love you Mommy,

Barrett and Kyle


Jessica said...

Aww, Thanks Barrett, Kyle, and Cody! I love you, too. I am soaking up every word of this sweet surprise and I love your photos too!

Meredith and Eddie said...

Jessica, I am sure that you really are an incredible mother. It makes me smile to see your beautiful family. I am so happy for you and the many blessings you have in your life!!

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