Saturday, September 24, 2011

doll baby

I love this shot.


Annabelle loves dolls. Her eyes light up when she sees one. I had no idea that she would love them so much so early. Up until recently I had not bought her any dolls. I'd just hand her a toy car or some other toy within easy reach. But when we were looking at this house on our house hunt a few months ago, she saw a doll that belonged to the little girl who lived here. Annabelle laughed and squealed and shook with excitement over the doll. Oh man, I had been depriving my child! Now she has dolls. And they are her favorite toy right now. I keep finding Annabelle putting her "baby" in her swing. And pushing her baby around in the doll stroller.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Isn't that amazing that it was a natural instinct for her to play with dolls, even though she had probably always been surrounded by trucks and cars? Love that story! And no she wasn't deprived, it's just good things come to those who wait :)

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