Monday, September 26, 2011

Plano Balloon Festival

This party of five managed to squeeze one more (Gigi) into the car which was already looking a bit Clampitt-like. Besides the 6 humans in the car, we had our all terrain wagon (which was the envy of many), 4 folding chairs, 2 picnic blankets, a stroller, a diaper bag, my camera bag, and enough snacks to survive a long winter. All for a night of Hot Air Balloon gazing.

balloon fest

balloon fest 02

balloon fest03

Dear Future Kyle, you may be wondering why you aren't in any of these pictures. The answer is that you refused to let us take your picture. I tried to tell Present Kyle that Future Kyle would be a little sad when he couldn't find himself in any of the pictures. Present Kyle didn't listen and this is the best shot we got. Sorry Future Kyle. (Oh, and Present Kyle is not wearing a shirt because he spilled a little water on it and didn't want to wear a wet shirt.)

balloon fest 04

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