Friday, March 28, 2008

He's cracked my code!

Yesterday I was talking to Gigi (my mom) about whether it was s-n-a-c-k time. Barrett heard this and said, "I want a s-n-a-c-tay! I want a snack!" The night before he did the same thing with the word sticker. He missed a few letters, but he still deciphered the word! What am I gonna do now? He will definitely be able to figure out Pig Latin. Maybe I will need to brush up on my spanish...

On another day around snack time, I found Barrett with an apple he snuck from the counter. (Side note: I don't think I have ever written the word 'snuck' before. It doesn't look like a word. Is it one of those words that's not really a word but everybody uses? Maybe it should be sneaked?) It was not apple day on the allergy rotation but he had already taken a big bite out of it so I let him eat it. I was walking in and out of the kitchen and everytime I would walk past, he would say, "I'm not finished yet. Don't take my apple away." I came back at one point to remove the seeds, but the entire core was GONE! He ate everything but the stem!

This is all that was left of the apple.


Dawn Endres said...

LOL! That's too funny!

The Mama said...

Wow you have a good eater on your hands!

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