Sunday, November 9, 2008


I took the boys to "the tractor park" the other day as a bribe for allowing me to take some pictures of them. They call it the tractor park because there is an old, as in antique, tractor there for kids to pretend to drive. My boys L.O.V.E. it. Some strong winds were blowing in and it looked like it might rain so I used all my best mommy/parenting techniques to get them to leave the beloved park smoothly. I asked them if they wanted to leave now or in two minutes and they of course said in two minutes. When two minutes were up, I told them to slide down one last time. Barrett did, but Kyle refused. (He seems to be going through a rebellious stage right now which is giving me nightmares--I'll save that for another post.) So I used my Love and Logic and pretended like we were going to leave him if he didn't come down. I said, "Okay, see you later, Kyle!" Barrett started freaking out and saying "No, I want my Kyle. I need my bwudder! Don't leave him Mommy!" I felt like a horrible mom now because Barrett thought I would actually leave Kyle at the park all by himself! But I did think it was so sweet how Barrett stood up for his "bwudder".

I think this picture is so representative of this story and so many like it that happen all the time!


Anonymous said...

Awesome photo baby. I hadn't seen that one yet! Love, Cody

TeamRiss said...

LOVE Barrett's coat- so fly guy. Tell me it has elbow patches on it...

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