Saturday, April 11, 2009

Interviewing the boys

We were at lunch the other day waiting for our food and I decided to interview the boys. This was an attempt to maintain and reinforce good behavior with the added benefit of learning a little about them. They loved seeing me write down their answers! This is a great activity that I plan to repeat casually and watch how their answers change. Of course, I'll probably add more complex questions as they get older too.I especially love Kyle's Best Friend answer! If you have suggestions for more questions, I'd love to hear 'em!

Age 3 ½

What is your favorite color? Red
What is your favorite animal? Dinosaurs
Favorite food? Apples
Favorite song? “Jet! It goes like this- Jetty jetty jetty…” (I’m pretty sure he made this up)
Favorite cartoon character? Thomas the Tank Engine
Favorite book? Little Boy (by Allison McGhee)
Favorite toy? Airplane
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Who is your best friend? Michael
Tell me about girls… “My favorite girl is Ava.”

Age 2 ½

What is your favorite color? Green
What is your favorite animal? Sock monkey
Favorite food? Plum and pears
Favorite song? ABC’s
Favorite cartoon Character? Percy
Favorite book? Dooby Dooby Moo (by Doreen Cronin)
Favorite toy? Dump truck
Favorite holiday? (Asked as multiple choice question) Christmas
Who is your best friend? Mommy
Who is your favorite girl? “uhh, uhhh…”
“Do you know what a girl is, Kyle?” “no.”

1 comment:

CS said...

Awesome answers. Another thing Kyle like to say right now is that he like all things "a wittle bit."

"Wock me a little bit"
"I eat a wittle bit"
"Sit on me a wittle bit"

All funny!

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