Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Allergies:Retested, Results:Unbelievable!

We had the boys retested to see if there were any improvements or any new allergies. We are supposed to do this about once a year and it has been a year so we did it. The results are color coded and number coded. I fully expected to walk in and see two charts lit up with colors like the 4th of July, but to my surprise, they weren't very colorful at all! Hooray! Huge improvements across the board. All the hard work of elimianting these foods is really working!! There are still some reactions, but many of the biggies aren't biggies anymore. We still will need to be careful about staying on a rotation diet to prevent new allergies, and getting those old ones back, but we have more freedom and flexibility.
I am so proud of my boys and how well they have handled this past year. Barrett recently told me that sometimes he wishes he didn't have allergies. Now I know for certain that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. They really will outgrow most of these.
I have to admit that I am scared to reintroduce these foods that have been "no-nos" for so long! It sounds crazy, but it may be harder for me to give them something I am programmed to think may hurt them, than it was to go through the trouble of eliminating all of those foods in the first place.
I am excited about the fact that they will be able to eat real birthday cake!! That makes me so happy I could cry! Okay, I am crying. A year ago, I was crying over my son's first normal bowel movement as a result of the elimination diet, and now I am crying because they will be able to eat cake on their birthdays! We have come a long way! This is good news for our family and any family dealing with these kinds of food allergies. There is hope!


Anonymous said...

You just keep right on crying about those special moments and breakthroughs!! That shows you're a good mom. I was, and still am the same the way even though my kids are big now. So, just keep right on crying, and if you don't mind, I'll join you.


Meredith Braaten, CD(DONA) said...

Oh my goodness!!! This is great news. I'm so excited that y'all will have real bday cake too...
hip hip hooray!

Heather Coleman said...

Yea!!! I'm so happy for them and you. You have been super-mom in all this special food stuff. I have been so impressed with all that you've done. I know moms will do anything to keep their kids healthy and happy, but you've done so much while staying organized and never complaining or making it seem like a major burden. You should be so proud of yourself. Barrett and Kyle are so fortunate to have you as their mom.

emma said...

oh jess, i'm so happy to hear that!

Crystal said...

That's wonderful news! Hope you share pics of eating the real cake!

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