Monday, June 23, 2008

A big bed for a big little boy

Barrett is in his big bed now, just in time for his third birthday! He seemed to be a little crowded in the toddler bed with himself, his 5 blankets, and all his "friends." I think most of his friends (real, not stuffed) just skipped the toddler bed altogether and went straight for the big bed. I took Barrett with me to the mattress store. Big mistake- Do not do this! He started freaking out when I told him we were picking out his new bed. He wouldn't lay on it. He was crying. He was clinging. He just was not being himself. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't excited about his big boy bed. Turns out he thought he was going to have to sleep there in the mattress store every night! Oh, I wish I could get inside their brains!
He loves his "big boy bed" and is looking forward to getting the car sheets that I ordered but are on backorder. Try explaining backorder to a 3 year old.


Anonymous said...

Those are awesome pictures! An so funny! Love, Daddy

Meredith and Eddie said...

Jessica, I love what you did to Barrett's wall. I really want to visit some day, b/c I want to see you and I know your house is probably so amazingly cute.

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