Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wonder Mommy Power, ACTIVATE!

I said, "Activate!" My Mommy Superpowers…I know I put them around here somewhere. They’re probably at the bottom of Mount Laundry…ah yes, here they are…

>Doing everything with one arm while carrying 20 lbs of squirmy-worm on the other side of my body.

>Checking email while 2 toddlers play giddy-up horsey around my office chair.

>Remembering anything at all.

>Understanding toddlerese, a language I haven't used in about 30 years.

>Healing major boo-boos with a kiss.

>Turning ingredients that nobody has ever heard of, like quinoa and sorghum, into food that nobody would ever want to eat (except for my 2 boys).

>Being able to have a conversation with my toddler while reading a book and never losing my place.

>Staying on the road - either side - while driving and fishing behind the passenger seat for “MY TUP!”

>Knowing from across the room, without looking, whether or not that last sneeze requires a tissue.

>Apparently in my family, being able to clip fingernails is a superpower!

What are your superpowers?

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