Saturday, June 28, 2008

Butterfly kisses are a classic, but have you tried...

Butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses, Fishy kisses…yeah, yeah, we got those. We’ve also got Bunny Rabbit kisses, Earthquake hugs, Butterfly hugs, Baby hugs, Pac-Man kisses, Peek-a-Boo kisses, and Handle Bar kisses…
It all started with giving the boys choices at bedtime to get them to bed without a fuss. I would ask Barrett, “Do you want a Butterfly kiss or an Eskimo kiss?” He would always say “Bubbafwy.” So then I would ask him if he wanted it on his cheek or his forehead…And it has progressed to this fun assortment of kisses and hugs.
The Bunny Rabbit kiss was Kyle’s idea after he saw some bunnies playing outside just before bed. Cody perfected it. And I think it goes without saying that Cody is the creator of the Pac-Man kiss. Barrett invented the Handle Bar kiss when he got a hold of my ears one night and pulled me in for a kiss calling my ears “handle bars.” Ears have a history of being handle bars with him. He’s used them to hold onto for piggy-back rides since he was a baby.
The boys have this time with us to talk about their day and sometimes a little unrushed silliness reminds us and them that the sound of their laughter is the most beautiful noise in the world. And their stories are so original and funny that just telling you what they did today can be hilarious. Oh! You just can’t help but to smother them with Bunny Rabbit kisses and Earthquake hugs!
By the way, if you’re ever putting the boys to bed and they ask you for a Bubbafwy hug, (or if you want to do this with your kids) just put your fists under your chin and squeeze your elbows toward your hug target (the kid). He’ll most likely be doing the same. *Earthquake hugs are done gently and just twist and slightly shake- no brain damage please!
Bear and Cody going in for a Bunny Rabbit kiss

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We've since added Elvis kisses! You lift your top lip on one side and say, "I love you, love you very much." in you best Elvis voice right before you give your kiss.

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