Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Conversations with my guys

A conversation with Barrett
Me: I think you’re going to like this dinner because I made it especially for you, my two sweet boys.
Barrett: Yummy. This dinner is yummy, sweetie. (talking to me)
A (almost one-sided) conversation with Kyle
Kyle: (fake cough, cough)…Otay! (as if I had asked if he was, but I hadn't b/c I knew it was fake)
Me: Oh! I’m so relieved that you’re okay!

Another conversation with Barrett
Barrett: These are your teef, mommy.
Me: Yes, where are your teeth?
Barrett: Right here. [Great-Grandmother who shall remain nameless] takes her teef out. She don’t sufosed to do that.

This conversation ocurred while Gigi, Barrett and Kyle were playing a simplified version of I Spy in the middle of a stone yard. I was inside purchasing some flagstone for our garden.

Gigi: I spy a tree.

Barrett: There it is. I spy a dumptruck.

Gigi: There it is, Kyle do you see it?

Kyle: I see it. I spy a...ROCK!

Gigi and Barrett: I see one!

Barrett: I spy a watertower.

Kyle: Der it is! My turn! I spy a...ROCK!

Barrett: There's one!

Actually there's hundreds--they're in a STONE YARD!They continued this game for several rounds and everytime it was Kyle's turn, he spied a rock with as much enthusiasm as if he had found his long lost favorite matchbox car in the sofa cushions!

Playing photographer

Barrett: (holding up a toy camera backwards to his face) Cheese!


Barrett: Cheese! Cheese! I'm Mama!

I just have to add that I never say, "say cheese" so he must be referring to the camera in his hand. I don't know where he picked up the cheese thing.

ETA: this just happened

Kyle: (Again with the fake cough)...Otay!


Cody: Did he just say "otay"?

me: yes, you'll understand why I laughed when you read the blog.

Kyle:shouting Read da bog!

Barrett: shouting Read da bog! Where is da bog? Read da bog! You have a big penis, Daddy... Read da bog!

Okay, so I ran in here to add this. They are still shouting "Read da bog!" We were finishing dinner, Cody a.k.a. Daddy was fully clothed.


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely still laughing out loud over this one!!! Gigi

Anonymous said...

this is just hilarious!

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