Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bear!

Dear Barrett,
On your third birthday, I want to tell you Happy Birthday, and how happy I am that you are in my world. You really are like sunshine to me. You have more personality in your baby toe than many people have in their whole bodies. Always let that light shine.
I am so proud of you and the sweet, caring, big brother you are to Kyle. You are such a good leader and yet you watch out for him too, like on the playground, and when you help me make sure he doesn’t eat or drink things he’s allergic to. You are such a good big brother that Kyle wants to say and do everything you do. He has so much admiration for you.
I admire you, too. I admire how outgoing you are. When I was your age, I would whisper in public. Not you! Since before you could talk, you would say or wave bye-bye to every single table as we left a restaurant. The other day at a party, you got a piggy-back ride from a man you just met. You are always starting little games of peek-a-boo with somebody at the next table, or just striking up a conversation. That’s so great! So many times I wish I could do that.
I love your stories, your observations, your smile (chipped tooth and all). I love your laugh (even when you have no idea what you’re laughing about). I love your curls, your passion, your made-up songs. I love your cars all lined up in a “parking lot”. I love your hugs and kisses, especially the surprise ones and the sound of your voice whispering, “I wuv you, mommy.”
Every age that you are, I think, “This is a fun age” but then I get sad that the last one is over, but then I wonder what you’ll do next! Oh, please, please, please don’t grow up too fast. My camera is shooting as fast as it can go!
I love you more than words can express.


I love these pictures because they are so you. You were just putting my sunglasses on and singing into the hose and you didn't think anyone was looking. I can see a bit of myself as a kid in your personality especially when I look at these pictures.

These are a few things that make you happy right now:

Tow trucks
wearing Mommy’s shoes
“Mama don’t you tickle my toes”
Bedtime stories
The Beach

Baths with my brother
Butterfly kisses from mommy
Push toys
“Parking” toy cars
Piggy-back rides

And that's just the T's, M's B's and P's! You're a happy little guy! I could go on with the U's and F's, I bet most people would have a hard time coming up with U-words that make them happy...
Upside-down sunglasses
Umbrella “cane”


Newman Family Blog said...

That is so great that you wrote all of that down. Barrett will love reading that when he is older! He is precious and definitely outgoing. Love that he gave Nora her first Lip Kiss from a boy (other than her daddy!) at that party!

Heather Coleman said...

How sweet! What a great mommy you are! We had a great time at Barrett's party. Thanks for letting us share this special day with you guys.

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