Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Filthy, Dirty, Slimy, and Sopping Wet!

I have been thinking lately that too often I try to keep the boys from getting dirty, tracking dirt in the house, and not hurting themselves when they play. I mean, they ARE boys and boys are supposed to do that stuff...although I may not give up on not tracking dirt in the house. There IS a line for goodness sake, and boys need to be taught to respect their property and to wipe their feet. While I don't want them to get hurt, I don't want them to grow up not knowing their own limits or afraid of everything. If they take some small tumbles now, it will teach them to make better choices, and that bad choices can hurt. They will try new things and accomplish more than they, or I thought they could, and feel the sense of pride that goes with that. They are learning to use their imaginations because sticks become bridges, and leaves become boats. Even though it goes against my instincts as a woman and mother, I think boys need these experiences to become strong men. All of this stumbling, exploring, achieving, and imagining apparently requires massive amounts of dirt, rocks and sticks! Don't ask me why...I am a girl.

Yesterday, we went for a walk and discovered a shallow creek next to the walking trail. So we went back today, and this time I brought my camera. Barrett and Kyle immediately wanted to throw rocks into the water. What is that about? Is it some innate thing in boys? "Water, I must throw rocks into it." Again, I AM a girl, what do I know about these things? After they fulfilled their rock throwing quota, we all waded, and slipped into the water. smack. on. our. bottoms. They saw a duck and "a million billion" minnows. Then, they heard some trickling water and found a little waterfall. They discovered that they could hold hands and help each other up the slippery rocks. Then, in order to get back up to the walking trail we had to climb up a steep slope of sliding dirt. They amazed me and maybe even themselves with their slope-climbing abilities. Barrett was very proud of himself when he reached the top.

They were filthy, dirty, slimy and sopping wet, but they had so much fun doing what comes so naturally--being boys. I had a lot more fun watching them knowing that this kind of play is good for them and that dirt washes off with a little soap and water.






Meredith Braaten, CD(DONA) said...

The greatness of living out in the country!!! Cade just talked about fishing at Barrett's pond last night at dinner. He invited me to come along next time, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is--how do you get your boys to stay still and cooperate for pictures so often?! :)

Meredith said...

I love the pictures!

Jessica said...

BRIBES! Even with that it's like herding cats. So I usually resort to just getting pictures of them doing what they want. I like that anyway--it tells a story.

Unknown said...

What great pictures! :-) I saw your I Heart Faces entry this week too (and LOVED it -- great progression and your after shots are beautiful) but I couldn't get the comments to work so I thought I'd pop over and let you know :-)

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