Monday, August 17, 2009

A Weekend of Our Life

On Friday morning I decided to try to run a couple of errands and have lunch with the boys. I dangled a carrot (a.k.a. the park) in front of them so they would behave. I also tried to make it sound like a Dora the Explorer adventure... "Where are we going? Park! How do we get there? Store, Store, Lunch!" We finally made it to the park and it was hot. They spotted the splash pad from a mile away! Take this piece of free advice: If you happen upon a splash pad in the middle of the summer and you don't have a swimsuit or change of clothes, don't believe 'em when they tell you they are just going to get their feet wet. Those boys were soaked within seconds! I didn't mind. I was really wishing I could get in there with them. At one point, Kyle gave me a hug with his drenched little body--it was quite refreshing.



That night we met Cody for dinner at the Mexican restaurant in Farmersville. I think it was like the 5th meal in a row we had eaten Mexican. Heh heh. Can you guess what this is?

I'll give you a hint in the form of a joke:

What do you call a stuck up raisin?

Give up?

A:Snotty! That's right. It was Kyle who stuck the raisin up his nose this time. We think he put one in each nostril but we only found one. We all took turns looking up the orifice with a flashlight, making him sniff pepper, blow his nose, etc--all to no avail. I wonder where that raisin is...

(I am skipping Saturday because I worked all day but I will include Monday.)

Sunday was Gigi's birthday. Happy Birthday to my wonderful mom!! The boys made her birthday presents this year. We got the idea from Chasing Cheerios. My hats off to preschool and elementary school teachers! I do not know how they do it. I was going crazy trying to keep paint from getting everywhere and I only had 2 kids to deal with! On Sunday, the boys wrapped the gifts all by themselves. I almost bit through my tongue but I managed not to comment the gross overuse of scotch tape. They were so excited, that once the presents were wrapped, they had given them to her within 10 seconds. Gigi had lots of help unwrapping them as well.



We all went for a celebratory lunch at Texas Roadhouse.
This conversation ocurred on the way home:
Me: I'm tired.
Barrett (age 4): Me too.
Gigi: Me three.
Cody: Me four.
Kyle (age 2): Cinco!

Such comedic timing, that one!

Today we made Strawberry shortcake for dessert. Not just any Strawberry Shortcake, the most wonderful, magnificent strawberry shortcake in the whole wide world as good as it can be when you forget to put in the baking powder and salt. It was a little chaotic in the kitchen. The boys were just sooo excited to be making strawberry shortcake just like in this book we have been reading for months and months. The book is called Cook-a-doodle-doo by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel. It's about a rooster, iguana, pig, and turtle who make strawberry shortcake but don't know the first thing about cooking. Really cute, educational book with a recipe in the back. Tonight we all took on a character in the book and had fun. Everybody wanted to be the pig (taster) though...ha!




1 comment:

Newman Family Blog said...

What a fun weekend! Glad that we got to be part of your Saturday. We had a great time taking pictures with you!

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