Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Books on My Nightstand

In an attempt to regain balance and therefore be a better mother, wife, friend, human, I am giving myself some much needed "me" time to recharge. Writing that just now makes it sound like I am rationalizing, as if I don't deserve it (I know I do and so does everyone). Reading is one luxury I have put on the back burner for many, many months telling myself that I'm too busy and too tired and that I don't have the time. Recent events have sent me running to the bookstore in search of enlightenment and answers and have reminded me how much it comforts me to read. I am not much for fiction, but I dip my toe in occasionally. Here's what I'm reading...and yes, I am reading them all at once. Maybe you'll find something good on my list. I'd love to hear your suggestions too!

The Last Lecture --Randy Pausch I am a latecomer on this one--I had too much going on when everyone else read it.

The Shack -- My friends from Barrett's school talked about this book at the coffee shop so much I had to get it even though it's fiction. If you haven't heard about his book, I'm sure you will.

The Wednesday Letters -- Also fiction, but I like it because I can see it becoming inspirational in my life.

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia --okay, I got stuck in the middle and I haven't picked it up in a long time. She's in India. I enjoyed Italy.

Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition) -- I also have the "Early Childhood" edition but this one has additional info and useful charts. I realized recently that I had let my L&L techniques slip and I needed to reread.

What Your Explosive Child Is Trying to Tell You: Discovering the Pathway from Symptoms to Solutions -- I don't like the title, but this book is really helpful. It addresses many reasons why a child my act out including allergies (like my kids have) and how to handle it. I had a major
"a-ha" moment reading this book.

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name --This is more for the kids, but I'll just share it here anyway. It's a childrens' Bible. Barrett and I sometimes read this during his quiet time.


Aubs said...

Emily blogged about trying new books a while back ago. One of her friends commented about a website, I joined the site and have really enjoyed noting all the books I have read (not finished doing so) and it helps me keep up with the books I am currently reading too.
Enjoy reading!

Meredith said...

I too have the Last Lecture on my nightstand. I've heard it is a fast read - just have not gotten to it yet. I read The Shack over Christmas and really enjoyed it. It will make you think. Love and Logic made its way across the ocean with us as well! Sounds like we have a lot of the same reading to do :)

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